From: "K4YZ" on Fri,Apr 29 2005 2:07 am
K=D8=88B wrote:
"K4YZ" wrote
You had to go back three years to find
something you could hang on to, but nice job!
Nope, less than 2-1/2 years.
Actually you're guilty of only a modest exaggeration, but if Brian
or Len had
exaggerated something by a similar ratio you'd have labled them
I wonder why that is?
If Brian or Lennie had such an error pointed out, there'd be a
month long rant on how licensing in Somalia or how Lennie single
handedly passsed 1.2 million messages at ADA in 1953.
1. Brian had simply mentioned he did some ham radio
from Somalia when he was on active duty, assigned
there. I saw no "discussion of licensing IN Somalia."
I've never seen anyone ask about rear area Army radio stations in
the 50's, Lennie, but you sure do let us know about it.
have ANY authority on that of any kind.
2. I've never claimed credit for "single-handedly passing
1.2 million" anything.
Your INITIAL claim, before everyone with a grade school mathematics
education put the numbers back in your face was that YOU were
responsible for this feat.
You only changed your story to "team" after a week of being hit
over the head with your silliness.
What I stated was an
APPROXIMATION of the number of message I was
LEADER...not in 1953 but rather late 1954 when I had
the rank (E-5) to BE an Operating Team Leader. It is
obvious to any rational mind that NO ONE PERSON could
possibly transmit 220 thousand messages a month over
a single radio station. That takes teamwork and ALL
on the team MUST do their part.
If could have been in ANY time era, Lennie...Your INITIAL "story"
was that YOU were responsible for this feat. "Teamwork" didn't enter
the picture until days later.
Nice try, though.
3. Saying you can read the future is itself a LIE.
I never said I could, Lennie.
I just acknowledged the error when it was shown and moved on.
That is (probably) the BIGGEST LIE of Robeson. Robeson
tries and tries and tries and tries to turn around ANY
accusation by misdirection, personal insult of others, and
general accusation of misdeeds by his accusers.
Ahhhhhhhhhh....I see....Saying that I realized I made a mistake and
accepting that fact is "misdirection"...
1. As an example, when pointed out to Robeson that the
Department of Defense does indeed DIRECT MARS, was
given the exact web link to that DIRECTIVE, spent over
two weeks of messaging AVOIDING his mistake in saying
"MARS IS amateur radio."
You're the one with the misdirection, Lennie.
I NEVER claimed that MARS was under anyone's direction other than
I DID say that the same SPIRIT of AMATEUR RADIO was what made MARS
what it is.
Robeson could have simply
acknoledged that DIRECTIVE's existance and shut up on
the subject. He did NOT. If Robeson ever said so, he
hid that "acknowledgement" in a smokescreen of verbiage
(mostly garbiage) which still attempted to misdirect
the subject AND managed to level personal insults on
his accusers.
I'll end this reply right here since THAT claim by Lennie is the
very essence OF Lennie.
Leonard H. Anderson IS a pathological liar!
And putz....
Steve, K4YZ