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Old April 30th 05, 02:12 PM
Posts: n/a


mopathetic whined:

Nice likeness. He wants to know where I'm camping so that he
can hump a cops leg and cry about me.

Bullcrap. We want it so we can introduce ourselves. You said before
you wanted us to show up. You chickenboy of a urinal cake sniffer,

Mopey will be easy to find. Just look in the mens public toilets.

Ever see an almost human punching bag? Watch what this face turns
into after I'm done with it. I intend to disassemble this ****-stain
as soon as I find him. I'll be easy to find, nad.

You have been making threats of physical assault in this NG for
years now and continue to be ignored. You're a joke.

No threats. What happens next will be a direct response to THESE threats.

N8WWM threatens Dayton hamvention participants:

Hey ****,
Wanna meet at Dayton or before? I will whip your gayboy ass like a red
headed step-child. You are a punk-suck fagboy hiding behind an assumed
name who dont have any balls. Come on, you lap likkin **** hunk...wanna
party? I will kick your fukkin ass. You are a sissyboy faggot ILLEGAL
Go hump your wife Dweebo faggot. You can only talk smoke...I can bring
it into your life.
I think you have never opened a can of whip ass.
I volunteer to show ya how.
Your turn, ****!


From:N8WWM Auntie Keyclown )
Subject: calling out Peepeeholic
View: Complete Thread (4 articles)
Original Format
Date: 2001-08-08 09:09:21 PST

Hey Peepeeholic:
Yes I am in Toledo. I have plenty of down home hospitality for you or
ANY of the other queens in here who wish to stir up some mess.
You wanna come by and visit? I will be delighted to send you back to
the MISTAKE ON THE LAKE with a thought in your mind that it was a real
dumb idea.
Imagine, Peepeeholic...Imagine...You come to my place and star some
junk...I put you face down and hurtin extreme, take pics of you laying
there with a bumped up noggin, and post 'em to the NG. I relish you
coming by. I am good in the callbook, just as I told your wife, the
Have not had this much fun since I used to go cuttin' coax and
building jamming oscillators back when I was 16 yrs old.

Be forewarned: I like the kinda rumbles where there are cuts and broken
bones. If you have never deliberately broken someones bones, or don't have
the heart to cut, be civil. I have.
