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Old April 30th 05, 08:52 PM
Steve K
Posts: n/a

First of all David said (In a previous thread):

I tried WebTV for a few days as it
came pre-installed on my first DVR.
You have to be a masochist to use it.
It is painful. It has no mouse. I have
no respect for anyone who doesn't
upgrade to at least a $300 computor
for web surfing (unless they are that
dirt poor, which Coon-ass obviously

Masochist??? Not at all, and not painful to use at all. I used Puters
all of my Telco 28 yr. career before retiring, from the processors of
our huge E.S.S. switchers, to $50k Sun terminals, to desktop PCs, and
finally down to laptops to access various systems, to do my job, and I
never wanted to see a puter in my house. No mouse on this KB. I find the
arrows most easy to navigate with. And I can not express the luxury to
you all of sitting in my cushy recliner across the room from my
beautiful to look at 32" TV. But that's just IMHO.

Anyway, about Larry. I first ran into him after discovering the USENET
"service-webtv" grp. Yeah he might be a bit off color, but I find many
of you puter usenet PPL are, talking just as vulgar as any sailor I knew
while I was in 6771 (U.S.S. Holland AS-32, for over 2 of those yrs).
Anyway you know the saying, "Anybody living in Glass housesyada yada
yada :-). If the rest of you had the same stupid A__ed TOS we have, many
of you also would have been OUT OF HERE. Larry added spice to many of
your miserable lives. AND I'm not just sticking up for him because he
is(Was) also a WEBTVr.