Just a thought on that GAP Eagle DX-VI:
Maybe you can contact someone selling one on ebay, see if he won't run the
manual through a scanner and send you a copy to look at?
Warmest regards,
"Chris Edmondson" wrote in message
| G'Day from Downunder!
| I purchased a nice new GAP Eagle DX-VI a couple of years ago for my new
| house, so before the move I opened up the crate and read all the
| instructions.
| You know what happened, don't you.... In the move I LOST the rotten
| and I'm left with an antenna which hasn't yet been erected. I'm really
| to put it up but the retailer from whom I bought the thing is no longer in
| business.
| I've tried without success to find a PDF version of the manual. Can anyone
| help please?
| 73 Chris Edmondson, VK4AA and VK3CE
| PO Box 123,
| Eagle Heights,
| Queensland 4271
| Australia