Jim Hampton wrote:
"K4YZ" wrote in message
Mike Coslo wrote:
Userbeam Remailer wrote:
aa2qa and kb3eia whine whine whine
rrap cry babies
And my first Userbeam email too!
W=E4hrend ich das Baby sein kann, das schreit, sind Sie ein
I was gonna say that this guy is about as German as the Pope, but
DANG! the new Pope IS German...
What did you do to get these anonymous cowards railing on YOU,
Mike...?!?! You and Jim Hampton are two of the coolest heads on the
group! Maybe that's what torques their bolts...???
Hello, Steve
Maybe since I was on dial-up and AT&T didn't have newsgroups caused
me to be
a bit inactive and not likely to defend myself?
Just like the ALC's to do that.
I'm up and running on 3 megabaud DSL now. Clear the decks LOL
The reality is that a lot of the folks that love to post anonymous
have nothing better to do in their lives. Too bad, really.
All that aside, this new DSL is a lot nicer than the old DSL that I
had and
*far* superior to that dial-up. Plus, I'm saving about $5.00 per
month by
going back to Frontier for all my phone services plus DSL. Nice.
56k to 3
megabaud plus it costs less!
I am on Bellsouth Wideband and it's great. Not quite instantaneous
click-and-go, but pretty darned close!
Welcome back.
Steve, K4YZ