Where I work, all the buildings are concrete/steel and we use Motorola HT
1000s in the 158Mhz range. They peneterate very well and overall sound
great. Not sure about your specific license requirements, but VHF should
work fine and could be a little cheaper. Hope this helps.
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"Dave Santoro" wrote in message
I have volunteered to help my local elementary school upgrade to a decent
radio system from the off-the-shelf consumer GMRS units they are currently
using. I have done a little research, and I think they want to use a
UHF-based PMRS system. They need UHF to penetrate the concrete and steel
school, and PMRS seems to be the only service on the FCC website that
matches the requirement. Have I missed anything?
As far as the licensing goes, If they have six staffers with radios, would
they need to use six licenses/callsigns? Or is the entity licensed as
I like the price point of the Motorola CLS1410 Radios. Anyone used them?
Any other pointers, URLs, etc would be greatly appreciated.