K4YZ wrote:
K=D8HB wrote:
"K4YZ" wrote
You had to go back three years to find
something you could hang on to, but nice job!
Nope, less than 2-1/2 years.
Actually you're guilty of only a modest exaggeration, but if Brian
Len had
exaggerated something by a similar ratio you'd have labled them
I wonder why that is?
If Brian or Lennie had such an error pointed out, there'd be a
month long rant on how licensing in Somalia
You lying sack of excrement. You, David Heil, Brian Kelly and The
Other Steve put out an APB and searched the web worldwide for one of my
Since no one came forward with one, You declared that my operation
never happened and that I was a liar.
You continue to say that to this day.
Now I want you to produce authentic evidence of your MARS activity on
Okinawa, and of your claimed seven hostile actions.
I just acknowledged the error when it was shown and moved on.
Again you're a lying sack of excrement. You complained that Hans had
to dig 3 years deep to find your single "mistake."
You acknowledged your itsy bitsy mistake and TRIED to move on as
quickly as you could, brushing aside all the mayhem that you caused
along the way.
You make no apology for all of the accusations that your itsy bitsy
little mistake enabled you to make, and still make to this day.