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Old July 16th 03, 05:39 AM
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Jim Kelley wrote:
But where does that 33.33 watts actually go? If you have 100 watts
coming from the source, and 100 watts traversing the first and second
boundaries, where does the 33.33 watts go?

Through a two step process, it merges in phase with the forward wave at
the Z0-match point. A directional wattmeter reads 133.33W forward power.
100W + 33.33W = 133.33W. 100W/|1-rho|^2 = 133.33W
Forward power - reflected power = power delivered to the load.
The standing waves confirm that there is indeed 133.33W forward and
33.33W reflected.

Let's look at the following system with two sources. Each source is a
signal generator equipped with a circulator and load. SGCL1 is equipped
with a 50 ohm circulator and load and SGCL2 is equipped with a 150 ohm
circulator and load. The two signal generators are phase locked but can
be turned on and off independently.

100W SGCL1---50 ohm feedline---+---150 ohm feedline---33.33W SGCL2
Pfwd1-- Pfwd2--
--Pref1 --Pref2

Using the principle of superposition: With SGCL1 on and SGCL2 off,
Pfwd1=100W, Pref1=25W, Pfwd2=75W, and Pref2=0W. SGCL2 dissipates 75W
(Pfwd1)(|rho|^2) and SGCL1 dissipates 25W (Pfwd1)(1-|rho|^2). This
is how the s11 and s21 s-parameters are measured.

With SGCL2 on and SGCL1 off, Pfwd1=0W, Pref1=25W, Pfwd2=8.33W,
Pref2=33.33W. SGCL2 dissipates 8.33W (Pref2)(|rho|^2) and SGCL1 dissipates
25W (Pref2)( 1-|rho|^2). This is how the s12 and s22 s-parameters are

Note that SGCL1 dissipates 25W in both of the above cases.

With SGCL1 and SGCL2 both on, Pfwd1=100W, Pref1=0W, Pfwd2=133.33W, and
Pref2=33.33W. This is similar to the earlier single source example. Note
that the two 25W waves obviously engage in wave cancellation and their
combined 50W of destructive interference joins the forward wave as constructive
interference. Assume there is a set of feedline lengths that will accomplish
the given values. Vref2 must be 180 degrees out of phase with Vfwd1 at the
impedance discontinuity. I think 1WL of 50 ohm feedline and 1/2WL of 150 ohm
feedline will do that if the voltages from the two sources are max+ at the
same time.

b1 = s11*a1 + s12*a2 = 0V s11*a1 and s12*a2 engage in destructive interference.

Pref1 = Pfwd1(|rho|^2) + Pref2(1-|rho|^2) - destructive interference
0W = 25W + 25W - 50W

Pfwd2 = Pfwd1(1-|rho|^2) + Pref2(|rho|^2) + constructive interference
133.33W = 75W + 8.33W = 50W
73, Cecil
"One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured
against reality, is primitive and childlike ..." Albert Einstein

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