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Old May 4th 05, 06:41 AM
Al Patrick
Posts: n/a

BDK wrote:

In article ,

Take a simple 10 question survey and receive a free book Israel's
Identity: It Matters! by mail. It's called the Defense of Israel Survey.

It does matter, because it shows that you are buying into the christian
"identity" nonsense. You and your survey are nothing but **** Al.


Abraham begot Isaac and Isaac begot Jacob. Jacob's name was changed to
Israel and he is sometimes called Jacob/Israel. Jacob/Israel had twelve
sons and they became the twelve tribes of Israel.

But guess what. Abraham had more than just Isaac, even though God told
him that it was through Sarah that the world would be blessed. His
other son was through the bond woman and his descendants became the Arab
nations. So, yes, more than the "twelve tribes" can lawfully and
legally claim to be "sons of Abraham" -- The Arabs Can -- but I doubt
seriously that the Khazars can and that is about 90% of what claims to
be Jews in the nation of Israel today. They were "converts" to Judaism.

Get the book. Read the book. Better still, read The Book, The Holy Bible!

Your "christian identity" reminds me of the Jewess Gail Ripplinger who
wrote the book "New Age Versions" and pretended to be "defending" the
Word of God, The King James (1611) Version, while NEVER capitalizing the
word Bible! Oh, but she used plenty of incantations and spells in her
little book. Maybe they worked because she surely hooked a lot of
"fish" with it!


Additional: My spell checker even wanted to capitalize the word
Christian but YOU are far to intelligent to do that! Aren't you? :-(