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There is no best antenna for Field Day. The Field Day Special is ideal
for me because I usually backpack all my equipment, which precludes
rotatable antenna and puts a big premium on weight. The FD Special is
very light weight and its pattern just covers the majority of the U.S.
from here on the West Coast, giving the highest possible gain consistent
with the coverage I need. Most Field Day participants neither backpack
nor operate from the West Coast, so different criteria apply. The
antenna might be useful to others for either Field Day or fixed location
use because it's inexpensive, provides a good F/B ratio, and can easily
be switched to reverse direction. On the other hand, it's a single band
antenna (which can be designed for any single band). But it would be a
lousy Field Day antenna to use from, say, Ohio or anywhere near the
middle of the population concentration of the U.S.
Roy Lewallen, W7EL
Richard Harrison wrote:
Roy, W7EL wrote:
"The "Field Day Special" has been a favorite of mine for more than 20
What tyre of antenna is best for field day? I can`t read pdf with WebTV.
Best regards, Richard Harrison, KB5WZI