It is your opinion as opposed to mine--this would be a petty argument at
Instead of choosing to argue a point I have already decided for myself--go
visit there, then attempt to convince that the arguments, debates, and
gentlemens' exchange is the same as it is here--if NOT, then I stand correct
in what I have stated...
Quit nipping at my ankles, it grows boring...
wrote in message
| The group there are truck drivers, when speaking to truck drivers a
| much
| different form of speech is chosen than in other groups... ........
| All CB'ers are truck drivers? I know a few truck drivers, and I didn't
| need an interpretor... The ones I know seem to speak english.
| Are you talking to Iranian truck drivers? I doubt they use many CB's...
| Most prefer to bootleg on VHF using ham tranceivers....Kinda the
| 3rd world "family radio"....
| Indeed, if you look in the above postings, of mine, in this group, you
| will
| find I have expressed these same ideas here--with gentler nouns, verbs
| and
| text...
| I've read your rantings at both places....All in all....I still think
| you
| must have been an abused child...You seem fairly silly at either
| group...gentle or not...BTW....What is this great "mis-information"
| we hams have supposably foisted upon the world? I read that post....
| Sillyness it was...You don't need to be a ham to foist
| misinformation...
| You can go back to barking at the moon now....
| BTW, Don't worry. I'm not going to argue with you...
| I fear it would be too painful for you to cope with.
| I wouldn't want you to go "postal" on us, or anything....I remember
| once on 75m, they picked on this dude for so long, he went postal
| and shot his wife to death out of sheer frustration. No joke....
| It was on the frequency I talked on at that time...Some out there
| may still remember it....He was a "4" lander....Was about '85 or so...
| He may still be serving time for it... So you can see my concern.
| I wouldn't want you to end up like that. I've argued with some people,
| and they started barking at the moon out of frustration. You already
| bark at the moon, so I'm afraid I could be fatal to you...

So I'll
| leave
| you alone....Resume barking now....
| MK