Rightrik wrote:
Hello, i need a little, low power (about 500 mA) step up converter from 12 v
dc to 24 v dc to operate correctly a 4 ways coaxial switch.
I have found project on the net, but i wonder if there is a ready, little,
not ott expensive kit or ready-to-go-module to obtain this 24-26 v dc
voltage from 12 (13,8) dc volt input.
Thank you,
73 de Riccardo IK5WQO
I think you might find a "wall-wart" power supply for a computer printer
to do the job.
You can find these in voltages like 24-28v @ 1 amp for maybe $10 new in
the US. Of course ours are 120v but I imagine you have the 240v types
available over there in I-land.