Thread: "Slotted" Line
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Old May 5th 05, 10:06 PM
Roy Lewallen
Posts: n/a

That technique was used by every SWR meter I ever looked inside of. I
assume the Bruene circuit is used more often now, but I'll bet a lot of
cheap SWR meters still use that technique.

Roy Lewallen, W7EL

Bob Nielsen wrote:
On Thu, 05 May 2005 14:01:05 -0500, Cecil Moore wrote:

I vaguely remember building a coaxial "slotted" line without
the slot when I was in college. We took a piece of coax,
stripped off about a foot or so of outside insulation, and
ran an insulated wire under the braid. We tied one end to
ground through a R=Z0 resistor and ran the other end
to a 1N34 rectifier. Anybody remember running a wire
under the braid to achieve an inductive pickup for
forward and reflected power?

That's really a directional coupler, not a slotted line (but you
already knew that). I vaguely recall seeing it in QST or a Handbook
back in the 1950s.

Bob, N7XY