ATTN: I AmnotGeorgeBush,tell us about spread spectrum 11 meter cb radios.
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May 5th 05, 08:15 PM
I AmnotGeorgeBush
Posts: n/a
am (Guy)
I AmnotGeorgeBush wrote:
am (Guy)
Freeband sucks wrote:
where can we find one?
His version of spread-spectrum is turning that
power microphone *way* up, that way, your
signal spreads out.
Sorry, had to get that in there...
Hey,,don't be sorry. You serve a valuable lesson: you reinforce the
ignorance of select hammies who are licensed for communications but are
clueless and incompetent when it comes to such. Perhaps that's why you
feel the need to say such things about others, after all, if you were
confident and satisfied in your abilities in life, there would be no
need for such actions toward others. Carry on, my child.
There it is...
Yep,,and you lobbed the first volley,
Without knowing anything about me, without
knowing what I do for a living, without knowing
the things I've done over the past three
decades in the field of computers and radio,
without knowing who I am, you make a huge
jump in logic and begin to personnally attack
me verbally.
Witout knowing anything about me, without knowing the things I;ve done
over the past three decades, without knowing any damn thing about me,
you make a huge jump in logic and begin to assume to know what and how I
think. In addition, you ASSume I am of the "turn it all the way to the
right" crowd. Stop throwing stones while you sit constipated in a glass
house, hypocrite.
You couldn't just laugh with me and then drop
it, could you?
You mean, take your unprovoked cut directed toward me in silence? That's
always been your childish problem. Get over yourself.
You've shown me that you do know
something. You're able to convey meaning
over these posts. The trouble is, the meaning
you convey creates a sense of ill-will and *you
know it*.
What part of you assuming to know what I think regarding spread spectrum
and turning the mic all the way up do you attribute to good will? Hyuk!
You don't add anything of value to these
I'm about to,,,stay with me for a few more secs..
You've made it clear you are not a team
Years ago. What's your point, besides the one atop your head?
You do it because of the false sense of
superiority created when you come out with
these baseless one-liners initiated it. Get over yourself and that small man syndrome may
and cause
confusion, anger, chaos. You think you're
superior because you don't follow the rules.
There you go again with that jackass ignorance of ASSuming you know how
I think. You're a freakin' hypocrite of the worst magnitude.
You don't feel you need to follow the rules.
Not at all,,I don't feel I need to explain myself to the likes of
someone like you with a mentality that feels unprovoked and unsolicited
barbs toward another by yourself constitute anything but ill-will. Note
that to excuse your initated cut, you shrug it off as a joke. Now wipe
your chin before the drool reaches the bib that catches your hypocrisy.
You think you're above the rules.
I'm merely adding to your self-image. Of course, you presenting yourself
as knowing what and how I think is somehow done of your good
will,,,,especially when taken into consideration your deliberate false
misattributions that make you such a loser.
You think rules are created for just *some*
people. You think rules are for the ignorant.
No at all. I think you are bordering on ignorant, by initiating a barb
and defecating all over yourself when it was returned.
You are not ignorant, therefore you feel
obligated to disobey the rules to make a
Perhaps that is default mode to your warped interpretation of things you
can not grasp.
I'll be the first to admit there are some hams
who are clueless these days. But at least
they've proven a certain level of knowledge by
passing a simple test. Hams have shown they
can meet *some* standard (albeit not much of
a standard these days) compared to others in
society. You seem to be a reasonably smart
guy, why don't you get a ham license?
Stay relevant. A hammie license has nothing to do with these pages or
Just because you're a ham doesn't mean you
can't continue FREEBANDING.
Check the archives. I've made that point on many occasions. Thing is,
it's more difficult because too many jerkoffs like yourself are out
there who feel when they are not given a satisfactory reason by others
for their business and behavior, it's perfectly acceptable to conjure up
reasons on your own and ASSume them of those who won't give you the time
of day. That and your bull**** belief you are owed some sort of
explanation for other's behavior. It's because of your ****ty
attitude,,,,and THAT, will never change. Again, you are owed
nothing,,,nada,,zip,,let alone a reason,for other's actions.
Getting a ham license will only increase your
opportunities. You've shown you can talk the
.talk but for some reason refuse to walk the
I see your position, but it is ONLY because -you- continue to ASSume
many conjured misbeliefs.
Unless you can write something down and
explain why you refuse to walk the talk, I have
to come to the conclusion you can't walk the
And with this post, you have solidified beyond a doubt you are a
hypocrite of the N'th magnitude.
The difference between CBers and Hams is
patently obvious to anyone who tunes around
Yet, you continue to express difficulty with such a conceptual
difference by claiming you can not understand why one would not get a
license. Again, and as always, this is YOUR problem you seek to foster
on others who have nothing to do with your beliefs or demons. Oh,,wait a
second, I'M your demon,,,LMAO!
The next step is name calling.
You mean aftre your little unprovoked insult you say is a joke that I
should have laughed at?
You're not that skilled in we go
epitomize the fact that some of those licensed for communications are
the least adept and skilled at such. Otherwise, you would never expect a
"stranger" to insult another person of whcih they "know nothing of me"
and expect them to laugh. In fact, the next step, as you say, is where I
factly state you would never do such to a person on the street. Your
demeanor affirms it, your communication skill reaffirms it.
After that
comes the vandalism. When I catch you
vandalizing my property you will attack me
physically. When I defend myself, your lawyer
will say I violated your rights.
Man, you must have really had your wings clipped in this group for you
to ASSume so damn much of others you know nothing about...lmao!
You win, oh great one, you win.
Go ahead, get in at least one more personal
attack. Go ahead, tell me I can't count
sentences. Go ahead, make another
statement about how CBers are superior to
Heheh..well, you are a liar, as well. Not one time in this group, ever,
have I ever said cbers are superior to hammies, but your rigid position
at trying to steadfastly misattribute your false ASSumptions to myself,
illustrates what a jack off you are, also.
Go ahead, tell me the reason you don't get a
ham license is because hams are
"poopie-heads." Go ahead, insert, "I know you
are but what am I?" in between each of the
above paragraphs. Go ahead, ask me some
stupid questions, and when I don't answer
them, use them in future "one-liner" posts to
show how ignorant hams are.
You are doing a bangup job all by yoursef illustrating the type hammie
you are.
But, to your misfortune and woe, not all hammies are asses like
yourself. In fact, you are the rabid minority.
Sincerely, with warmest regards and the best
of intentions, Guy
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