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Old May 6th 05, 12:23 AM
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From: "K4YZ" on Thurs,May 5 2005 12:25 am

I can see that this is going to go tit-for-tat ad nauseum, so

just add my last word on this and be done with you for now.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, don't GET the last word...

You have the information you asked for.

WE don't, you self-described "royal."

After you finished
choking on the fact that I gave you the information, you then demanded
"documentation", alledging that I've demanded the same from you.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Another LIE.

Stebie, anyone reading here can SEE what you wrote,
how you phrased your DEMANDS and how you phrased
your BRAGS/LIES. No PhD needed to realize it.

Obviously a tactic to just drag this out.

What "tactic," mighty warrior of "seven hostile

YOU have kept all this going ad nauseum, ALWAYS on
the ATTACK...and generally ALWAYS insulting.

I've not...I've asked for any PROOF that any of your claims or
assertions were valid. ANY kind of verifyable reference...

Poor baby, still under the delusion that you are
given Special Dispensation from sinning?

What kind of "word" of "proof" do we have from
stebie? CLAIMS, just CLAIMS...everything else is
"in your wallet."

"Seven hostile actions:" Where and When?

You CLAIM it, but haven't PROVED it yet.

The "in-charge non-commissioned officer" of a
MARS station? TWENTY-FOUR YEARS AGO and under
a GENERAL?!? Get real. Given the rapid
movement of military units around the globe,
there will NOT be any "records" to "verify"
your claims...certainly NOT logged into the
national archives in St. Louis.

How about that medical discharge you once
CLAIMED...the one that suddenly became an
"honorable" when you took heat for that

How about that CLAIM that you could "just pick
up a telephone and have Brian 'picked up' by
authorities?" You know, the one where you
also CLAIMED you "had the 'medical qualifications'


Tsk. You should be working for an insurance
company as a CLAIMS ADJUSTER!

Not a word...

Absolutely TRUE! NOT A WORD of PROOF from

Not ONE single tangible PROOF of anything, not
a digitized certificate, NO valid references,
just a lot of BULL**** from the CLAIMSman.

In the case of your illegal bootlegging from Somalia, I asked you
to just provide the name of the officer who allegedly gave you
permission to operate there...Nothing.

Stebie, "JAG" has QUIT the TV broadcasting
scene. YOU do NOT have ANY AUTHORITY to
CLAIM about "investigating any 'illegal
radio activity'" BY THE MILITARY IN A

All anyone here has for "illegal radio
activity" is a bunch of HATE from a couple
of self-described "radio cops" who think they
are some kind of "agent" for the FCC...OR the
Department of State.

You've been asked to validate your assertions about "unlicensed
devices" having a "major roll in emergency communications", but you've
balked at that too...Not a URL...Not an article...not one thing.

Poor baby...still under the notion you have
Special Dispensation for sinning? [see above
for the CLAIMS]

Poor stebie is livid with rage at being challenged
everyone against him MUST produce tangible proof
for any opinion opposite to stebie.

Your most recent rant about ARES being overblown and unlikely to
respond to any significant emergency has been proven wrong over and
over for the last several weeks with one news release after another...

Poor deluded, brainwashed stebie...thinking that ALL
emergencies are handled ONLY by amateurs. He's been
given many facts by several, links included, going
back 11 years, and still can't admit that the REAL
emergency communications is NOT handled by amateurs.

And that "...they've chased all the Techs away..."
silliness...?!?! Who chased who away? In the last 10 days of casual
operation on 2 meter SSB alone I've worked 11 stations.

All eleven? A big Ben Stein '...wowwwww....'

Tsk. A quarter million Technician class licensees
in the USA and stebie uses CLAIMS of ELEVEN to show
something. [what he shows is quite obscure...except
an almost total inability to REASON correctly]

Six of them
were Techs. I didn't go in to asking them if they'd passed the

didn't even ASK them what class of license they had...Just got it from

Tsk. Stebie is as 'believable' as a used car salesman. we are...You've got my former USMC command, the dates,
the places, former MARS calls, etc...All data you can verify with
independent resources.

Tsk, tsk. Not ONE VISIBLE form of proof. A bunch of
stevie CLAIMS.

But, it's all stebie got, them CLAIMS. Eyewash.
Bluff, inuendo (like he's trying to stick something

And from you..we have...


From stebie: NOTHING. Hot air. CLAIMS. Can't
describe a single piece of military communications
equipment by name, nomenclature, where used on
what...doesn't know the procedures...doesn't know
the military laws governing authority in foreign
lands that he's never been in...tries to describe
others' military occupation specialties CONTRARY
to the entire military of the United States.

Stebie try to be guru, is hardly even a grunt.

Stebie try to be judge, is not even a jury or a
court clerk.

Stebie try to be hot dog, is only stale bun taken
from another.

Spin your way out if that, if you'd like, but you're boring me,

Like anyone gives a ****. :-]

Stebie, GIVE IT UP. In radio you are a NOTHING,
just another bragging ham who has NO REAL knowledge
of communicating, a poseur who wants to be "big" on
word of mouth and some certificates hanging on the
wall...but with enough hot air to life a large

DO try to NOT make EVERY thread in here all about
YOU and how you are "better" than anyone. You ain't.