wrist flipper mopathetic hiding from AKC
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May 8th 05, 01:04 AM
Jeff Mayner
Posts: n/a
itoldyouiamnotiamnotgeorge wrote:
"chicken boy coward mopathetic lying and running scared of the AKC"
wrote in news:1115465708.349708.222590
Why woncha say where yer camping at Dayton, wristflipper?
He wont reply as he knows it would fall under the Ohio law of
stalking and harassment he has already enough evidance aginst him
why contribute more/.
That's a pretty stupid observation right there. If he replys to
dumbass's post to, or about, him, in other words a basic open
invitation, why would that be considered stalking.
Stupid ass Mayner. Use your brain.
Evidently, you didn't.
The op asks a specific question. That mitigates any stalking accusation,
Use _your_ brain.
Show me a post where Leland or Doug invited Mopey to "come over and
photos and then publish them on the internet along with court records,
wifes name, boss name, place of employment phone number, etc."
You can't.
Therefore it's stalking, according to the definition in the Ohio
"Menacing by stalking" is a crime under Ohio law. Ohio Revised Code
(R.C.) Section 2903.211. It is also
grounds for seeking and obtaining a Civil Stalking Protection Order
(CPO) or a Criminal Stalking
Protection Order. Ohio's menacing by stalking law provides:
No person by engaging in a pattern of conduct shall knowingly cause
another to believe that the offender
will cause physical harm to the other person or cause mental distress
to the other person.
Any conduct that is in violation of this law constitutes "menacing by
stalking." A "pattern of conduct"
means two or more actions or incidents closely related in time,
whether or not there has been a prior
conviction based on any of those actions or incidents. This very
broad definition of a "pattern of conduct" constituting menacing by
stalking includes, for example, such conduct as: following or
pursuing the
victim; making harassing phone calls to the victim or sending the
victim harassing letters; verbal threats
of physical harm to the victim; driving around the victim's house;
harassing the victim at his/her school or place of employment; and
any other type of conduct intended to threaten, frighten, or
intimidate the
victim. A victim may file a petition for a civil stalking protection
order without filing criminal menacing by stalking charges against
his/her stalker. Any violation of a stalking criminal or civil
protection order is itself a crime punishable as contempt of court or
as a separate crime under Ohio Revised
Code (R.C.) Section 2919.27. A motion for a criminal stalking civil
protection order may only be filed when
the victim also files criminal menacing by stalking charges against
his/her stalker, but a petition for a stalking civil protection order
may be filed at any time. A civil stalking protection order will
remain in effect for a longer period of time and may provide greater
protection than a criminal stalking protection order.
Downloadable Files:
* 10.03-A: A Motion for Criminal Stalking Protection Order
* 10.03-B: Criminal Stalking Protection Order (SPO)
* 10.03-D: Petition for Civil Stalking Protection Order (CSPO)
* 10.03-E: Civil Stalking Protection Order (CSPO) EX PARTE
* 10.03-F: Civil Stalking Protection Order (CSPO) Full Hearing
* 10.03-G: Instructions For Obtaining Civil Stalking Protection Order
* 10.03-H: Warning Concerning Attached Stalking Protection Order
* FULL PACKAGE - All Stalking Court Forms and Instructions
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