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Old May 8th 05, 10:31 AM
Antonio Vernucci
Posts: n/a

Those wishing to contribute in BAMA please remember: do not use jpg to =
scan text or diagrams. BAMA recommend to use an algorithm called djvu. =
If you use that, please check that diagrams are OK before uploading, =
because I have seen djvu diagrams which are not really OK. If you would =
instead use lossless compression (e.g. gif) you would be safe for sure.

And please make also sure that diagrams are easily readable, and can be =
easily re-assembled when split across multiple sheets (magnification =
factor must be identical for all sheets).

Another recommendation: please do not upload "partial manuals". You may =
never know what someone else is interested in.


Tony, I0JX

"Albert & Btittany Spear" ha scritto nel messaggio =
B A M A Rocks !
Truly in the spirit of ham radio.
Beware of TOTAL SCUM like Ebay seller micromanuals=20
) who have copied manuals and sell the very =

Sometimes doing nothing more than emailing the original.
"Kenneth Grimm" wrote in message=20

Need a manual? Maybe K4XL's BAMA can help. In the spirit of the =

Internet," before all the spam and "For Sale" ads, The BoatAnchor
Manual Archive offers almost 2000 manuals from over 200 different
manufacturers for free downloading. Download whatever you need, but
don't be a sleazebag and sell what you download on eBay. The =

are available on two sites: can serve only 10
users at the same time, but the mirror site at =
can take many more simultaneous connections.

Are the manuals on BAMA as good as those that the vendors provide?
Sometimes, yes, and sometimes, no. In every case, the price is =


Ken K4XL

*** BoatAnchor Manual Archive ***
On the web at and
FTP site info: login: anonymous p/w: youremailadr=20
