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Old May 9th 05, 11:34 AM
No One You Know
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Ed Price wrote:
wrote in message

Here is another dirtbag "cw-man" selling BAMA manuals on ebay. 128&rd=1 272&rd=1

First off, I will say that I have both uploaded & downloaded at BAMA.

It's a
most noble use of the Net.

OTOH, if you want to dl a complete set of something, how long does it

for you to do the dl & burn a CD? And as you do the dl, you are

to the congestion at BAMA.

Consider the picnic model. You want to go on a picnic next weekend,

so do
you start making and saving ice cubes a week in advance, or do you

just buy
a bag of ice at a convenience store? Sure, it's only a bag of very

water, but I don't consider the seller a dirtbag. I'm making a

decision for
my convenience, based on how I value my time. And, from my

perspective, $9
total (covering materials, labor, packaging, packing, postage &

is not a way to get rich (unless you have a very poor day job).

Now, maybe as a BAMA contributor, could this seller be hurting me? I

see how, since the material I contributed wasn't really my

property, and the value I added by creating an electronic copy was

intended as a gift. And remember, I "contributed" the information, so

I gave
up any rights I might have had due to the nature of the transaction.

About the only "unfair" practice I could see would be the moral

position of
selling something which, but for the buyer's ignorance, could be

for free. OTOH, that ignorance fee is supposed to be the incentive to

enlightenment. g

El Cajon, CA USA

One huge problem is that this guy, if they are BAMA downloads, didn't
do any of the real work of scanning and uploading. Then he didn't have
to compile onto a web site or pay for that web site. THIEF is more the
word that comes to mind. I also have uploaded a few manuals to BAMA for
free use of everyone not to be sold. When I uploaded to BAMA I
transfered my rights to K4XL not to some thief.