Dave wrote:
"Am fed up with the j-pole, dipole, halo variations. Anyone got
something else to try?"
Dave listed zsro-dBd gain antennas which are nearly omnidirectional.
Yes, a dipole has nulls at its ends but it isn`t sharply directional.
The next logical step may be to try a directional antenna such as the
Yagi-Uda. It has only one feedpoint and is simple but it lets you choose
the direction od your communications.
There are many examples but a good one can be found in Kraus` 3rd
edition of "Antennas" on page 248. It has anout 12 dBi (10 dBd) gain and
can be fed by 300-ohm twinlead.
With a Yagi, you can choose your direction of communications while
turning a deaf ear n other directions.
Best regards, Richard Harrison, KB5WZI