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Old November 12th 03, 12:56 PM
- - Bill - -
Posts: n/a

TchrMe wrote:
Hello all,
I was recapping my S-106 earlier today and discovered the insides of the
original bottom cover has an exposed layer of asbestos! Since it is solid and
not crumbling except alittle near the edges, I took it outside and sprayed it
with a clear lacquer to seal it. How have others dealt with this?
I was also wondering about the need for the asbestos in the first place. I
don't think the bottom components get very hot, but halli engineers wouldn't
have spent the money if it wasn't needed. Maybe this radio was designed to be
on for long periods of time. Any thoughts?
73 Mike KF6KXG

Seems like the consumer radio industry went on a bent in that era to
minimize 'hot spots', or even warm spots on the cabinet. One finds such
a pad in many radios and it usefulness is dubious. My suspicion is that
it was just another frill...maybe promulgated by public concern at the
Since its on the bottom, maybe its intention was to serve as an
insulator should any of the guts fall out of place and short out to the
cabinet...a pretty unlikely scenario. Or maybe they figured the user
might be stacking the radio on top of another and it served as a heat
insulator...seems a bit more logical.
You've done ok with it. Others use more exotic sealants but your fix
should suffice.
