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Old May 10th 05, 05:19 AM
Posts: n/a

Steveo wrote in news:20050509184959.478$63

Steveo wrote in


Steveo wrote in news:20050508171514.202
Why do you share an address with this?

You are 1 sick demented individual

Here's a great example of a sick demented individual.

No the sick individual is you stalking me and other people, your last
posts confirms what others have said. You are a STALKER!!!!

as well as a pussy

Buzzards come home to roost and you resume squirm, squirm, squirming.

Leave me alone and I will do the same for you.


You are the one on a wild goose chase googling people who you think I am
and posting thier addys. I am not doing anything to you except replying
to your funny posts, If I am bothering you somehow, why do you say i am
squirming? I have nothing to squirm about you are 200% clueless, but you
certainly are going to extremes saving words that I have said, looking up
addresses of who you think I am, roflmao2000x you should see what you
look like, you threaten people and tell everyone how badass you are yet
you hide and sneek around trying to find people, take pictures and google
from your keyboard trying to get something about them, thier family or
workplace yet you dont have enough nutsack to put the shoe on the other
foot. yes "steveo" thank god this is the internet your safe here. No one
forces you to look up info about me, if you cant leave me alone with out
some stipulations you really are more sick in the head than first

Steveo is harmless all he does is look up info and then post
hints in the newsgroup that he is going to use it to harass you at work,
harass your family, or beat you up. Let him post. There are already
2 cases started against him, a third can just add to his problems.