Just curious,
Has anyone here built their own shortwave receiver? Something comparable to a
low-end commercial receiver, (perhaps no FM though) no audio amplifier section
either. (Just pre-amp) Something very modular so you could experiment with
filters and things along the stages.
Years ago.. I had a ton of books on the subject, but they were tube-technology
and in all the moving I've done.. most were thrown away.
Is it possible using these tools:
Cheap, crappy oscilloscope. (old tube-type, basic, it drifts as it warms up)
Circa 1955-1965'ish RF generator. (analog tuner, tube based, might not even work)
TTL puls gen.
High-voltage power supply.
Clunky soldering iron.
That is what I'd have to work with if I tried it, the reason I discarded so much
of that old stuff is that it's just too expensive to experament. (and all the math
gave me a headache!)
Something a little better than those "spring kits", should use crystal oscillators
NOT regenerative. Ideally a web resource some place that I haven't already googled,
with "alternate plans".
Can't really justify spending much $$ on something like this.
http://www.geniegate.com Custom web programming
(rot13) User Management Solutions