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Old May 10th 05, 09:12 PM
Dale Parfitt
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
. ..
Just curious,

Has anyone here built their own shortwave receiver? Something comparable

to a
low-end commercial receiver, (perhaps no FM though) no audio amplifier

either. (Just pre-amp) Something very modular so you could experiment with
filters and things along the stages.

I tried to reply off list- but looks like you have an anti-spam address.
Lots of people are building their own receivers- and many of them above
average designs.
I have posted this before, but here it is again for those that may have
missed it:

5/2.5/.5 KHz homebrew xtal filters; selectable and defeatable AGC; tone;
audio notch filter; preset BFO for USB/LSB/CW; AM detector; S meter

Loosely based on W7ZOI Progressive RX from the late 1980's.

Look also at Pete KE9OA's neat receiver on his site and many others.


Dale W4OP