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Old May 11th 05, 09:21 PM
Little O'Me
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Default Used 80-6 HF Antenna - What Do I Have?

Greetings to all the resident knowledge in this group.

I am trying to figure out what HF antenna I have. I bought it at an
estate sale. It was mounted in the ground, without radials, but
connected to a ground rod in the ground alongside the antenna. It was
"at the beach", so while it is in overall pretty good shape there is
some corrosion in places, and the UV has gotten to a couple of other
places. I have gotten it on the air, and it covers 80-6 meters. I am
hoping to be able to get a manual and perhaps some replacement parts.

It is SIMILAR to an R7, but it is not an R7. The key points are that
it does not have the base or middle radials, the matching network is
different, the mounting is different and this covers 80-6 meters. It
does have the stubs like an R7, however. I have searched CushCraft,
Hustler, HyGain and Gap, and it does not appear to be a product made
by any of them, based on online manuals of past and present models.
Here goes the description, and I hope someone can point me in the
right direction.

The base of the antenna is a 10 inch sleeve, 2 inch OD. The antenna
mounts by slipping over a mounting pole, not alongside with U-bolts as
is the case with just about everything else.

The matching network, if that's what it is, is a "tuna can", about
1-1/2 inches in diameter and 1-1/2 inches high. There is an SO-239 on
the bottom, which has some corrosion and the coax center conductor is
not making good contact. There are little L-shaped tabs on the top
and bottom, the bottom one going to the skirt/sleeve, and the top to
the start of the radiating element.

This section is 85 inches long, topped with a 1 inch coil the same
diameter as the aluminum tubing. Near the top is an L-shaped stub.
Near the top of the stub is a support which is clamped to the next
aluminum section.

This section is 4 inches long, topped with a 3/4 inch coil the same
diameter as the aluminum tubing. Near the top is an L-shaped stub.
Near the top of the stub is a support which is clamped to the next
aluminum section.

This section is 6 inches long, topped with a 3-1/2 inch coil the same
diameter as the aluminum tubing. Near the top is an L-shaped stub.
Near the top of the stub is a support which is clamped to the next
aluminum section.

This section is 3-1/4 inches long, topped with a 2 inch coil the same
diameter as the aluminum tubing. Near the top is an L-shaped stub.
Near the top of the stub is a support which is clamped to the next
aluminum section.

This section is 12 inches long, topped with a 3 inch coil the same
diameter as the aluminum tubing. Near the top is a U-shaped stub.
Near the top of the stub is a support which is clamped to the next
aluminum section.

This section is 24 inches long, topped with a 2-1/4 inch coil the same
diameter as the aluminum tubing. Near the top is an L-shaped stub.
Near the top of the stub is a support which is clamped to the next
aluminum section.

This section is 36 inches long, topped with a 6 inch coil the same
diameter as the aluminum tubing. Near the top is an inverted U-shaped
stub. Near the top of the stub is a support which is clamped to the
next aluminum section.

This section is 76 inches long. Approximately 6 inches from the
bottom are two 24 inch horizontal elements, looking like 12 inch
radials. I suspect these are some form of capacity hat.

That's about it. Any help anyone can provide would really be


Rick, WM6M