"Butch Magee" wrote in message
I lost the info from the person who posted about the 4 band Hustler parts
and I do not know how to retrieve posts so, if the remaining antenna parts
are still available, I could certainly use them. I have the rest of the
vertical in my garage sitting usless. I will be happy to pay more than
shipping for this in advance.
Butch Magee KF5DE
New-Tronics moved to Mineral Wells, Texas (west edge of Dallas) from Ohio in
1985. Call Jason Woolf at (940) 326 1386 and you can have any specific part
DX Engineering has the Hustler 4BTV / 5BTV assembly manual (Adobe Acrobat)
as well as major parts for the antenna - in stock
Disguised Flagpole Antenna - May 1993 QST article (using the Hustler 4BTV)
30 meter add-on trap kit for Hustler 4BTV and 5BTV antennas
http://www.dxengineering.com/Parts.a... US%2D30%2DMTK