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  #25   Report Post  
Old November 15th 03, 12:37 AM
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"RP Jones" wrote in message . ..
With out doubt, most new hardware looks like its built to be thrown away
and crushed.
"Built in absolesance" Its a dam shame !
Id agree on Tek for scopes and HP for analyzers, if you look on Ebay HP
"as is" scopes with problems must out number the Tek's 10-1.
(Many developed push button/switchpad related problems)

"gw" wrote in message isn't it true that the older
stuff is built like a battleship and
isn't as proprietary and can be repaired with user obtainable parts?
I always heard tek for scopes and hp for analyzers. Any thoughts on

what is a good spectrum analyzer to have for a home shop in your
opinion, and also what is a good scope to have and do you have to
break the bank on this stuff? thanks.