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Old May 13th 05, 04:53 AM
Posts: n/a

radioman390 wrote:

A group of devotees of the late Major Edwin Armstrong have gotten
special FCC permission to broadcast for two days in June (10 & 11) from
the first FM broadcast site in the US, in Alpine, NJ,

In those days the FM band was 42 to 50 MHz, not 88-108, and only a
small number of FM radios were built for those channels (some covered
both bands).

The power will be around 250 watts, and the antenna will be mounted on
Armstrong's 410 foot tower (the ground elevation is pretty high, and
from there you can see all of NYC and 80 miles on a clear day.

IF YOU have a tuner or scanner capable of picking up 42.8 MHz (VHF-Lo)
you have a chance to log it and get a QSL. Try not to use the NFM mode,
as the signal will be wideband FM (should be OK on Icom 9000, 8500,
7100 and 7000, plus some AOR scanners. You might be able to tune it in
with AM mode by tuning to one side or the other of the center

DXers and hams will be involved in the programming, engineering, etc.,
so QSLs are likely (I don't know for sure). Antenna polarization will
be vertical.

I posted the story several weeks ago.
