On 13 May 2005 23:00:35 -0700, "rkrishnan"
I had been looking for a VHF SSB/FM homebrew design to build. Can
someone point to a good design to build?
Ramakrishnan, VU3RDD
Hi Rama,
I've not seen a complete design listed anywhere, but, if you find one,
or want to ADD (say) an LNA, or some such, a high power PA?, to it or
what you have now, I will try to help you with a design. I don't
charge hams for help, BUT, if I were to drive thru your city, and you
were to offer me "lunch" or a pizza at a local pub, well - that's
different! g I can be "had." lol
Take a peek at my "commercial" site. I hate to use that name as I
built it all myself. To me "commercial" is something like Bill Gates &
Microsoft. I prefer to refer to my site as a "personal" site that
happens to sell good RF tools, (at LOW cost), that I've created, over
the enjoyable years I was active in ham radio starting in 1953.
Jim ex K6DGX / W6FHF