If you believe in it because of "virtue of the preponderance of evidence" it
shows you easily confuse "leap of faith" with "positive proof."
Warmest regards,
Marbles can be used in models with excellent results! However, if forced
to keep using all of mine up... I may end up at a disadvantage... I seem
to have misplaced some already!!!
"Mike Coslo" wrote in message
| John Smith wrote:
| Well, your questions are interesting, I am sure you mean to point
| else out, but I hear: "What is this "God's" logic in creating conjoined
| twins? - an insane morbid sense of humor?"...
| --AS--
| ..."What is this "God" about, has he no sense of decency?--has he no
| for the designs of men, their logic, purposes, expectations and goals?"
| Lessee, he creates us so that unless we worship him, he tortures us for
| eternity.
| To know the mind of "God" may not please us... it is quite possible
| is insane--if so, it may be a longtime before a sane replacement is
| Indeed, almost all points of view I hear today would design "God" in our
| image,
| Man *always* creates god in his own image.
| using our logic, and not the way it has really (and already) been
| done--and is one of the reasons I have more questions than answers
| That is a good sign!
| --one
| being, "Are we even sane enough to be able to handle these tasks and
| these answers?"
| Most even refuse to believe a power greater than us is our master, and
| travel about seeking the "one" to control and punish and bend to their
| wills--perhaps, a grave mistake... would it be easier to accept if the
| Puddle God" of "Evolution" is responsible for this design--is the human
| condition so much more easy to accept if this is the case? Would it be
| then?
| Calling Evolution a religion is simply incorrect. I "believe" in
| evolution, by virtue of the preponderance of evidence, and the
| connection with so many other "facts" of the physical world as we know
| it now. But I do not pray to evolution, I do not go to an evolution
| church or go through some ceremony to prove to the world that I am an
| evolutionist - whatever an evolutionist is....
| Check out the connections. If evolution is "wrong" or does not exist,
| then indeed, most physics "facts" are not facts at all, they are dead
| wrong. Not only is evolution wrong, but radioactive decay is wrong, etc,
| etc, etc.
| As to "us", well, we are POSITIVE proof it has been done--but no proof
| "who" has done it, how it has been done, or even why it has been done...
| but, we should keep searching... an answer may be found...
| Why? Because it can be done.
| However, often I wonder if all of this isn't really just in my mind--you
| all not real, and I just imagine these conversations to amuse myself...
| search to find out if "God" is real or not, without even first having
| decided about all of you is a bit insane in itself... I have had dreams
| carried on elaborate conversations with the likes of you (or one such as
| you)--and then woke up!!!! In at least one dream I have "pinched
| not wokeup and accepted this as proof positive I was not dreaming!!! A
| great error!
| Let's face it, it takes a leap of faith for me even to believe in you...
| am pinching myself now, as we chat...
| Kinky! 8^)
| - Mike KB3EIA -