-- rrrr has Entered the room.
rrrr .o0( j )
-- rrrr has Left the room.
-- gareth has Entered the room.
-- gareth has Left the room.
-- g3vki has Entered the room.
g3vki hello
g3vki CQ
-- g3vki has Left the room.
somebody feck
-- g3vki has Entered the room.
g3vki hello again
* g3vki Waves goodbye *
-- g3vki has Left the room.
-- bob has Entered the room.
-- bob has Left the room.
-- GM6QE has Entered the room.
GM6QE hello
-- GM6QE has Left the room.
-- GM6QE has Entered the room.
-- GM6QE has Left the room.
-- GM6QE has Entered the room.
GM6QE does this do anything ?
GM6QE Reminds me of 4m
* GM6QE Looks around *
* GM6QE Looks around *
* GM6QE Ponders *
* GM6QE Waves goodbye *
-- GM6QE has Left the room.
-- Leo has Entered the room.
Leo this seem's a waste of time
-- Leo has Left the room.
-- GM6QE has Entered the room.
-- GM6QE has Left the room.
-- g3vki has Entered the room.
g3vki hello, me again
-- g3vki has Left the room.
somebody by george OM is that you g3vki?
-- somebody has Left the room.
-- Crazy88 has Entered the room.
-- Crazy88 has Left the room.
-- Nick has Entered the room.
-- Shirley has Entered the room.
Shirley Hi handsome, want some action on 2m?
-- BONA has Entered the room.
* Shirley voodoo doll Carole *
Shirley **** me BONA !!!
* Shirley voddo doll's Carole *
-- BONA has Left the room.
Shirley G1LVN where r u?
Shirley ... hiding
Shirley nice photo Walts. Who ate all the pies?
* Shirley wipes his cock and rolls over *
* Shirley Giggles *
Shirley 1 2 3 o'clock 4 o'clock rock - it's teh Big Man himsel --f
Shirley 1 2 3 o'clock 4 o'clock rock - it's teh Big Man himsel
Shirley 1 2 3 o'clock 4 o'clock rock - it's teh Big Man himsel --f
Shirley 1 2 3 o'clock 4 o'clock rock - it's teh Big Man himsel --f
-- Shirley has Left the room.
-- Carole has Entered the room.
Carole Jim344
-- Carole has Left the room.
-- Spunker has Entered the room.
-- Spunker has Left the room.
-- SideShowBob has Entered the room.
-- pezzy has Entered the room.
* pezzy hi all *
-- pezzy has Left the room.
..zpKKK hi all?
..zpKKK hi
..zpKKK begorra