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Old May 15th 05, 05:19 PM
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"Mike Coslo" bravely wrote to "All" (14 May 05 22:51:19)
--- on the heady topic of " [SNAPPPPPPP!]"

MC From: Mike Coslo
MC Xref: aeinews

MC Calling Evolution a religion is simply incorrect. I "believe" in
MC evolution, by virtue of the preponderance of evidence, and the
MC connection with so many other "facts" of the physical world as we know
MC it now. But I do not pray to evolution, I do not go to an evolution
MC church or go through some ceremony to prove to the world that I am an
MC evolutionist - whatever an evolutionist is....

MC Check out the connections. If evolution is "wrong" or does not exist,
MC then indeed, most physics "facts" are not facts at all, they are dead
MC wrong. Not only is evolution wrong, but radioactive decay is wrong,
MC etc, etc, etc.

In 1992 on the occasion of Galileo's exculpation by the Roman Catholic
Church, Pope Paul II stated:
"Faith should never conflict with reason."

Clearly that statement struck a new tone in how the Church deals with
science. The Church now accepts the scientific method and a fact is a
fact even in the face of contradiction with scripture.

As far as I'm concerned the Church made right and it is as it should
be. The Anti-Evolutionists in the Bible-Belt are out of step and there
were no dinosaurs in Noah's Ark!


.... Powdered water -- just add ... hmmm ...