Eamon Skelton wrote:
On Fri, 13 May 2005 23:00:35 -0700, rkrishnan wrote:
I had been looking for a VHF SSB/FM homebrew design to build. Can
point to a good design to build?
Ramakrishnan, VU3RDD
Have you got a HF rig? A lot of homebrewers use 10m-2M
transverters. I use my homebrew HF rig to drive a homebrew
transverter and 4CX250B linear.
Thanks for all the suggestions, Folks. I think, Ed's suggestions is
probably the easiest route for me. I will look for a 2m-10m transverter
Thanks again. More innovative sugegstions are welcome.
Ramakrishnan, VU3RDD