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Old November 20th 03, 11:36 AM
Ed Price
Posts: n/a

"Biz WDØHCO" wrote in message
Don't buy a Radio Amateurs Handbook.

How can anyone advocate ignorance? Buy the book, read it, get something,
anything, out of it. You will go back to various parts time & time again.
Each time, you will gain a bit of knowledge. Once you get to the point where
you can start to challenge some of its points, you will really be starting
to learn electronics.

If you work on audio electronics you already know the basics. The RF part

actually pretty simple.

This comment deserves to be archived on the all-time stupid declarations

Forget about the amp. You can get that going later
when you have experience in how the Tempo One operates. Get that working
now. As for a dummy - been using a 100w light bulb for years. Works good
enough for tube radios - not so good for the new solid state stuff. The
dummy you have is good enough.

Yeah, those 100 W light bulbs are the industry standard for a 50 or 72 ohm
resistive load. And those big, bulky forward / return power meters are so
expensive, and hard to use.

What you need NOW is a ham ticket!

Almost all radioamateurs begin their ham career as a "Tech." The

of a Technician Class operator license include operating stations while
transmitting on channels in any of 17 frequency bands above 50 MHz with up
to 1,500 watts power. It also allows access to the two most popular ham
bands, 2 meters and 70 cm ...otherwise known as "450" (MHz.).

Gee, good buddy, I never knew the amateur frequency bands above 50 MHz were


" In all liklihood, within a year the code requirement for the General

also be dropped."

They have been saying that for 100 years since Marconi attached a

key to a spark transmitter. You could wait....for a year or


Well, hasn't the code for HF operation already been dropped at the
international level? And haven't a number of other countries already dropped
the code requirement? The USA has never been closer to dropping the code
requirement. Still, I agree with WD0HC0 here; don't let the current modest
code requirement delay you.

When you ready and serious - email me and I will teach you the code in

minutes good enough so you can past the test. Relax, it's free.

5 minutes!!!! Could you teach my dog too? She's got an attention span of at
least 5 minutes, and in dog-years, that's 35 minutes! Should be easy.
