Chuck Harris wrote:
Cmd Buzz Corey wrote:
Chuck Harris wrote:
So, tell me, why do you feel so threatened that you need to announce
to the world (that is the audience here) that you are armed and looking
for a fight?
There was nothing in my post that could possibly make a literate person
believe I was planning to burglarize *your* home, and yet your first
instinct was to thump your chest and warn off all potential intruders.
Where did I say I was looking for a fight?
Right he
If I go into your house and steal all of your belongings, and then
give them to Goodwill, out of the goodness of my heart, then it's
ok, right?
If you think you can get past the .44 magnum, go ahead.
You are challenging me to burglarize your house so you can try and
shoot me.
Get a life chuckie, I in no way was 'challenging' you to burglarize my
home, you are the one that first mentioned burglarizing. I simply said
if you do, then be prepared to face the consenquences.
My hypothetical question, shown above was an attempt to help you to
understand that it doesn't matter whether or not a thief sells, or
gives away stolen property, a crime has still occurred.
And as I said, as long as it remains hypothetical, then you have nothing
to worry about.