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Old May 17th 05, 05:06 PM
Frank Dresser
Posts: n/a

wrote in message

AT http:/, A nice publication on
"Tips for Imporivng Receiver Performance"

Replacing the caps might give better audio, if the caps are causing a
noticable percentage of the distortion. Capacitors aren't perfectly linear
and those nonlineararities will cause distortion. Steve Bench has posted
tests of several caps:

However, the Kiwa article doesn't mention detector distortion, which can be
a significant source of distortion, at least with diode detectors. The
subject of detector distortion has been beaten to death here and on other
forums. One post I seem to recall involved some simple mods to a common
diode detector which significantly reduced distortion but also reduced
output by about 3db.

The Kiwa article doesn't mention detector distortion but it does say:

"High definition speaker wire and gold plated connectors are recommended for
any remote speaker connection"

Cool! I just need to get some gold plated connectors and figure out what
"High definition speaker wire" might be, and my old S-40A will sound as good
as my SX-62!

Or, maybe not.

Frank Dresser