If you ordered Schottky diodes, you ordered the wrong type. You need PIN
diodes. 1N5767s would do the trick.
It is worthwhile to change the audio coupling caps.
wrote in message
AT http:/www.kiwa.com/rxtips.html, A nice publication on
"Tips for Imporivng Receiver Performance"
Under the section "audio imporvements" it is suggested that
all of the ceramic capacitors ber rpelaced and polarised
electrolytics be replaced.
Has anyone made these mods and if so, do they really improve
the audio.
Given that everything else on the Kiwa site is topnotch,
I have to at elast think about this fairly inexpensive
His commnets on replacing the Si switching diodes in the 8ve
fitlers with PIN types is "spot on". In high signal situations,
this mod really helps reduce the distortion. I have ordered a
set of schottky do replace those Si diodes in the ceramic fitler
I would love to buy an AOR AR7030+, I have a borrowed unit
that I will have to return to it's owner this weekend. But
until I can save $1500, I will have to live with what I
already have.