Thread: DX Activations
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Old May 19th 05, 01:19 PM
Posts: n/a

I AmnotGeorgeBush wrote:

wrote in message
19IR04/EU-1462005-01-01-2005 to 12-31-05 EU-14619





What the heck are those? Made up


(yep, self assigned cb calls. the first number is the country number,
then the IR is the club name, then the number after that is the member
number. they have their own dxcc awards to give themselves and iota and
all that stuff for illegal activity.)

Last I checked it wasn't illegal in all places.
Some of the countries that participate have no laws at all governing
those frequencies and those that do have less enforcement than the US.
There are some really cool dx cards to be had among the world. And
unlike the next step up, there are always folks on (what is known as the
HF cb freeband in the US) these freqs ready to make contact. Unless a
contest is kicking on the hammie freqs, you're going to wait a long time
to get a fraction of the contacts you get here.

*Caught you.*

You told me a couple of weeks ago that you out-grew collecting QSL cards.
You compared them to baseball cards. By saying this, you insinuated that I
was a child.

You just like to **** people off, don't you? I believe I've already made
this point. And in your usual fashion, you responded by calling me names
and saying that I have trouble communicating.

As Bill Engvall would say, "Here's your sign."

Warmest regards,
