Just for grins - CW
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May 20th 05, 02:34 PM
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From: on May 17, 12:20 pm
The "Tonight Show" is ENTERTAINMENT.
Sure glad we have you here to remind us of that.
Leno likes to twit fads and ignorant people.
As opposed to YOU who IS a twit and an ignorant person.
A current fad is "TXT-ing," that of sending short text
messages over cell phones having that feature.
It is a no-brainer that old, obsolete "morse code" is
faster than the new fad of "TXT-ing" messages via a cell
phone. The "demonstration contest" on the Leno show
was a SETUP to deliberately POKE FUN at the fad of
"TXT-ing." It wasn't anything else...just one more
item of "humor" a la the Leno company to get the
audience amused by poking fun at current fads.
Surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre it was.....
I guess the fact that the Morse guys did it faster and with 100%
accuracy doesn't account for anything, eh?
Ham radio morsemen Lifestylers want to wave flags about
"morse code" and how triumphant was their "success" in
that show-biz SETUP that was a guaranteed pratfall
by the "TXT-ers." That short Entertainment bit was
NEVER intended as a true contest.
I K N E W that Lennie would try to talk his way out of this
For a REAL contest, live, [rehearsed or not] manual
communications means, pit an experienced typist pair
using old, surplus 60 WPM teleprinters against a pair
of experienced morsemen using either pencil-and-paper
or manual typewriters to record received "morse code."
Use "over-the-shoulder" live TV camera angles to show
the "incoming" text for the audience...and to show
the errors made by the morsemen.
They didn't do "over the shoulder" video on Leno, Lennie, however
the Morse guys apparently did 100% copy.
I was able to hear 90% from TV audio, and the receiving guy
apparently got it 100% right.
The radio world has LONG AGO done the "contest" bit in
actual practice and found "morse code" to be the
LOSER. The rest of the radio world has GIVEN UP on
"morse code" for communications. The die-hard
fanatics in amateur radio still cling to "morse code"
as "good" or even "best" because they are still lost in
the fantasy and mythology of olden times.
"fantasy"...?!?! "mythology"...?!?!
The Leno program shot a BIG hole in THOSE adjective for you,
That's not SHOW-BIZ, Jimmie, that's REALITY. Show's
over. Get a grip. Go home.
Lame Loser Lennie...Barking orders again...
Mad when no one listens or heeds him....
Maybe because he's wrong so often...???
Steve, K4YZ
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