"mopathetic is still acting like a wristflipping sissy"
wrote in message
Vinnie S. wrote:
On Thu, 19 May 2005 11:53:38 -0500, "MnMikew"
Which is a better unit?
I had a Galaxy 949. Great on AM. Drifted like an unanchored boat on
SSB. It was
terrible on SSB. The Midland is notorious for terrible adjacent
You will need to install the Channelguard filter on the Midland. Here
is some
I would try to get a Uniden Grant, Grant XL, Grant LT, or their
equiv, if you
serious into SSB. If you are just going to AM, then the 959 is fine.
Vinnie S.
They all weigh about the same, so the scrap metal value is rougly
identical. Garbage, avoid illegal keyclowning. Get your ham license so
you are not exposed to wristflipping keyclowns like mopathetic.
I get a ham license I might be exposed to idiots like you, no thanks.