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Old May 20th 05, 06:50 PM
Randy or Sherry Guttery
Posts: n/a

Chuck Harris wrote:

(flame suit on, helmet latched, as I await the onslot of rebuttles from
HP guys..)

No, I agree - while ok for "routine work" the 141 is *old*. OTHO - if I
were to suggest a Tek 7603 solution - I'd say see if you can possibly
squeak into a 7L18. I know - an absolute budget buster - but it can
"look" at just about anything in the "usual" spectrum - and do it with
fair accuracy. Had the pleasure of using them - never could afford one
myself - but perhaps some day. Oh - and a word of caution - if you're
going to some 7000 series solution like this - don't make the mistake of
buying an USM-281C - they'll tell you it's a 7603 - and indeed they are
- what they DON'T tell you is that they are a 7603 Option something or
other - which means they DON'T have the on screen readout... Which makes
a 7L - and similar stuff useless in them.

best regards...
randy guttery

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