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Old November 29th 03, 01:46 AM
Tim Wescott
Posts: n/a

You probably know this already, but it bears repeating:
Alignment is never waaay out of whack - unless someone with
a "golden screwdriver" was in there before you. Look for
a defective component in the circuit - open/shorted/changed
value caps come to mind.

The rig has obviously been worked on -- it had a silicon diode on the
rectifier, a new power supply cap of unknown vintage, and no glass in the
window. I originally suspected a golden screwdriver type because of that,
but the problem now is that it just _won't_ go where it's supposed to.

I was hoping that the symptom (the coils tune the _wrong_ direction with
capacity change) would ring a bell for someone; it looks like I'll actually
have to dig in and engage my brain on this problem.
