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Old May 21st 05, 02:20 PM
Posts: n/a

N9OGL wrote:

No one answered because they didn't want to be bad mouth by you and
your boyfriend steve, you should of asked the other way like, Who wants
n9ogl to go?
it's Ok, I know a no-code tech aren't the smartest one of the group

It's ok (both caps wrong) isn't period .
This is from a collage education?

No code? Where does it say that? Is this info from your FBI butt
buddies? Toad, you are the only one here bad mouthing, you started with
calling ALL hams idiot appliance operators and saying how much smarter
you are then everyone else here. Does your class of license make you
better then me, smarter then me? I might have gone from Novice to Tech,
meaning I had the same theory test that you had and just 5 wpm code. BUT
toad if a higher license class makes you better, so be it, just remember
that Steve and Dave and Dan all are a higher class then you. Heck,
everybody here is higher class then you!
Also remember, after the extensive search you did to find a post or
two that somebody with this call made on QRZ, you still didn't know the
class of license until I pointed it out to you, idiot!
Toad, go vote on the other pole, everybody here is interested in what
you think, NOT.
Another thing idiot, I never saw a post on your perv blog that praised
you either, explain that?