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Old November 29th 03, 04:44 PM
Posts: n/a

WOW - well never seen a picture of one but heard of them from some RME
Collectors here in Dallas. Kinda collectable since it was the last gasp of
RME. There is a small group here that collects the last tube rigs of dying
companies from the 50's 60's and 70's.

Interesting concept since back then most would do anything they could to
save their companies and some of these "desperation" rigs reflect that.

Dallas, TX

Well, if by desperation you mean ill-conceived or rushed designs, yes, there
was some of that. Hammarlund's HQ-215 or -205 (I don't recall the exact model
number) comes to mind--a nondescript receiver coupled with a CB transmitter.
But the RME 6900 was a very good radio, at least in my opinion. It performed
well and looked pretty neat, and was priced well below the top of hamband-only

Avery W3AVE