It appears that my posting struck someone's nerve. Apologies, but I did
first check the following newsgroups for OTHER for sale items, and of
course, I saw plenty, even some, GASP, on the apparently much-hated eBay.
alt.radio.scanner (no charter or FAQ listed recently)
rec.radio.amateur (no charter or FAQ listed recently)
rec.radio.scanner (no charter or FAQ listed recently)
I found no charters for any of these newsgroups. Usually, newsgroups that do
not allow FA: and FS: postings state that in their newsgroup's charter quite
frequently. I guess that using eBay is forbidden in the opinions of "Robert
Hawk" & " who feel it is perfectly appropriate to use
profanity because they cannot think of a simple way to express their
discontent with the posting of items for sale. Pathetic.
Clearly, these same people didn't see fit to FLAME the posting titled:
Which happens to be - are you ready - AN AUCTION TOO!!!
As a gesture of good faith, I will refrain from posting items on "YOUR"
newsgroup in the future, but of course, I only have this one scanner for
sale, so it is likely I would not have anything else to post for sale or
auction on any radio or scanner related newsgroups.
Again, I am truly and genuinely sorry if I caused anyone any undue grief or
hardship, but in the future, I would also advise your flaming EVERY SINGLE
FS: or FA: posting that has an eBay link within the posting. The least you
could do is not be so hypocritical. It makes you look so unintelligent and
"Estate Liquidator" wrote in message
. com...
Priced for FAST sale before I head out of town... again! FREE SHIPPING