May 24th 05, 04:49 PM
From: (John=A0Smith)
All I have ever seen anyone use a D104 for is
making a cheap radio sound like an even
cheaper walmart, price reduced, sale item
Pity. Most familiar with cb are very familar with the quality hand held
D104s like the one you refer, but are just learning about. Two models,
the M6b and the M6c are very stealth and they rock! Nothing at all like
the lollipop D104 sound.
(those guys sure never heard quality audio in
their life!)...
Cb doesn't look for FM broadcast-like audio,,,,,when one becomes that
concerned with their audio and they blame everyone else on the band for
poor audio, it's time to move on to hammie radio, completely bypassing
the nocode and going to the next level.
who wants to talk to some idiot that sounds
like a mentally impared weirdo screaming into
a mike with a bad lisp and naturally distorted
voice... Warmest regards,
That's what some here come across as, especially when they can't
properly read or comprehend the post they respond.
The real John!