Arlon Nelson ) writes:
Anyone out there have any trouble shooting information on the FPM-300?
Receiver & transmitter dead. Hear rushing noise if I hold speaker to my
ear but no station or beeps, whisles or any other noise.
5 mhz vfo appears to work, but not sure of 9mhz osc. Audio stages are
all fine.
Any help would be appreciated.
Nels W0TUP
Do you want troubleshooting tips, or a list of things that commonly go
wrong on that particular transceiver?
I've never even seen one closeup, so I sure don't know the latter.
But troubleshooting should be the same as with any rig. For instance,
if you think the oscillators aren't running, listen for them in a separate
receiver. Or use a frequency counter to probe the oscillators.
Throw together a signal injector, and work from the AF amplifier back
towards the antenna. When the signal drops off or disappears, then
the stage just after that is the faulty stage.
And it goes on. Get a book on troubleshooting, the ARRL Handbook
has a chapter on this, and get started.
Michael VE2BVW