NoGodForMe wrote:
Fairy tales, Fairy tales.
You know, I usually try to stay away from this crap because I know a
certain park is slanted to the Christian side.
But when this crap keeps happening, then you realize what the goal is.
To convert as many as possible. They don't care if you have problems,
don't care about your life. Just that you "found god" and are a
Christian. Give your money to the church and then go out there and
convert as many people as possible.
This is the "real side" of christians and shows thru.
Too bad, because a certain park tries to play the fence on this issue,
with a christian show, and other family events. Sorry, but I've got to
put my foot down here.
I didn't name the park (I could have), but they know who they are, and
everyone knows too.
South Park!
Your right, it did show plainly in that Jesus vs Santa Claus match.
That was so revealing.