G1LVN maundered:
....to deregulation of Amateur Radio in the UK that is!
*** From the country that brought you HF with no morse test --
Complete deregulation -- Wireless Telegraphy Act excempt,
un-regulated, un-policed, un-enforced, free-for-all SHF/UHF/VHF/HF
bands within a 18,000 mile radius of London, England
G1LVN are you awake? Can you read? More to the point are you
getting Hamiltons from the RSCB for writing this drivel?
Try this quote from the OFCOM page :-
"For the avoidance of doubt, whilst the formal public consultation
will put forward a number of other options for the future, those
options are explicitly not recommended by Ofcom. Specifically,
Ofcom will not recommend any options to make the amateur radio
service WT Act licence-exempt; however, for transparency and
completeness, this will be put forward as an option in the
public consultation in order to gather the community's views"
This is the real link to the OFCOM page on the consultation:-
Just try to read and understand it instead of spreading FUD
because you cannot comprehend simple and straightforward English.
OFCOM is not going to deregulate Amateur Radio in the U.K. They
are going to deprive the RSGB of an expected income stream, and
the beneficiaries of all the free jollies are throwing their
toys out of the pram.
No rational amateur can object to what OFCOM is really proposing,
unless they have an ulterior motive as the RSGB hierarchy do.
Andy, M1EBV