"- - Bill - -" exray@coquidotnet wrote in message
Ghost Writer wrote:
He could do that, but no guarantee it would resonate on the exact
the radio requires. TRY JAN OR ICM Crystals. They can make one for you.
About $10 per crystal plus shipping. Check them out on line. G.W.
GW, you're not from around here (boatanchors), huh? A LO crystal ain't
going anywhere off freq more than a kc or two. Thats why 42.5 Mhz is a
pretty good description instead of 42.50000000 plus/minus 1%.
This freq is a common number in any number of xcvrs that have been
butchered for CB use.
And, btw, JAN and ICM are great but you're not likely to slip away with
less than an $18-20 order total.
I DO frequent this news group. What I do NOT do, is butcher CBs to put them
into 10 meters or visa-versa. So, that explains my ignorance of the
frequency used for that sort of use. I realize the accuracy of crystals.
That had nothing to do with my statement. Sometimes though, you can't just
plug a crystal in and it work. I was taking into consideration other circuit
requirements which may have possibly come into play. I repair radios, but CB
mods - I have sworn away from. Since I never got wrapped up in that
practice, I never had to commit any thing relating to it to memory. I won't
even repair "modified" CBs. As to the current prices - goes to show how long
it's been since I seen one of their catalogs. There again, I don't order
from them. I get mine elsewhere - and I know my source won't touch less than
a $50 order.. and I didn't think anyone in this situation would want to hear
that. Most of my crystals are 2 way radio. AND 2 way is the ONLY thing I
will modify for or to ham.
Back to the mods... I had an H.F. transceiver brought to me once. Some screw
driver technician tried to do just that, put it on CB. WHAT A SCREWED UP
JOB. Talk about a butcher job. I packed it back up and gave it back. I
wasn't touching that with a 10' pole. They couldn't pay me enough to fix all
the crap I seen wrong with that thing. G.W.