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Old May 28th 05, 03:57 PM
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Arf! Arf! wrote:
Len, lest you nit pick about the location of Fort Campbell, let me explain.
Yes, I was for sure at Ft. Campbell in Kentucky. The base saddles the state
line between Kentucky and Tennessee.

I'm just a lowly ole Jarhead Airdale and I knew that...WITHOUT
having to point-and-click to find it!

I would wake up in Kentucky and go across the street to the PX in Tennessee.
You see, Len, the stae border ran right down the dividing line of the base.
I would do PT in Kentucky and and have a cold one at the end of the day in

Of course you chairborne types would not know this.

And Len, you have not answered my question. What was your MOS and what did
you do in the service of our country?

Allow me to help, Arf.

Lennie has regaled us with his tales of Radioland Warheroness over
and over...

Lennie held MAINTENANCE MOS's for "microwave relay" systems in
the 1950's. He has tried to use that to impress us with how he
allegedly "operated HF radio without Morse Code" back in the day...The
problem is he NEVER held any operator MOS.

No doubt he keyed up the rig to help set SWR or pre-set channels
on ocssassion, but Lennie was no closer to being a "radio operator"
than "Barney" is to being a Tyrannasaurus Rex.

You missed his "1.2 million messages passed" song and dance. He
tried to pass off as his own accomplishment some phenominal numbers of
traffic passed...

Needless to say just about everyone landed on his head over the
numbers...THEN the story changed to "Well...I was part of a TEAM that
did it...".

Yeah...uh huh...right...

I can see HQMC peeing down their legs in hillarity if I tried to
get my record to reflect how I was "part of the team" of "my" old unit
in Viet Nam...Oh..Wait...I was still in High School when they did
that...Oh well..I'll tell 'em Lennie said it's OK!

His other NG faux pas, first "aired" about 4 years ago and repeated
here within the last week, has been his use of the sacrifices of the
lives of Soldiers who were KIA's to make him appear as though he was
somehow involved in their greater glory. That in and of itself is
about as disgusting and disgraceful as one (alleged) veteran can be
towards another.

You may have seen Jim Miccolis ream Lennie on the "Russian Bear"
threat and his 'sphinchter' post.

In one episode of buffoonery and grandstanding, Lennie went on to
tell us how he "lived under the threat of the Russian (Tu-95) Bear"
while he was in Japan. Well, any reasonably well informed aviation
historian knows that the bear entered service well AFTER Lennie had
rotated back to CONUS.

And his "sphinchter" post was a scathing damnation of another
poster who "didn't know what it was like to be under "incomming"
artillery fire", as if HE knew what it was like...Ask Jim to provide
you the link...It's yet another damning example of how this wonderputz
feels perfectly at liberty to TAKE liberties with military service.

And of course he can't help but ridicule anyone who "volunteers"
for ANYthing, and especially Civil Air Patrol and other military
programs...Oh, Lennie is ALL ABOUT dragging out his former military
service number like it was five white stars on a field of blue when it
suits him...

Of course he can't even get THOSE insults correct. You should have
seen his attempts to "call me" on CAP's inventory...airframes CAP
hasn't flown in 20 years!

And Lennie's scathing damnation of the "civilian defense" services
of WW2...Of course Lennie was a pre-pubescent adolescent in the midwest
during the war...But hey, let's not let details get in the way...

Lennie enlisted without waiting to be drafted. Good for him. He
managed to get out with a GCM. Bravo. No one can take that much away
from him...But his lies, deceit and liberties with other people's
sacrifices SINCE then make him a real piece of work.....

It seems that you and bb have a fair share of hot air with little to
substantiate your claims.

At least Brian Burke (I have to give him this due where it's
due...) did some forward-deployed time in Somalia. He and I both know
what incomming fire sounds like...!

Lennie's "incomming fire" was an M-80 rolled down the squadbay on
July 4th!

Stand up. Hook up. Stand in the door.



Thanks, Trooper!


Steve, K4YZ